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Influencer manager

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An influencer manager is responsible of engaging collaborations with celebrities, models and other influencers around the world. Thus in order to procure our brand with its monthly content creation and promotional requirements. The influencer manager will identify the best fitting profiles and approach these with a fitting proposition or negotiate towards an agreement. Monthly targets in terms of content creation and promotional requirements will be given by our company. 


- Negotiation skills
- The ability to time-efficiently identify fitting profiles
- The ability to time-efficiently negotiate towards an agreement 
- The ability to efficiently manage all ongoing collaborations towards their success
- The ability to adapt to our partners & influencers time schedules, in other words a flexible social media availability & presence. 


- This career can be managed remotely and is therefore detached from any specific working location. 
- Full-time: 3000-4000€ monthly bruto salary
- (No part-time possibilities)
- Student possibilities

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